We all know that WAKA VA Peninsula has some of the best teams in the country when it comes to kickball. But where do we fall in the ranks of social competition?
Given that question, spreadsheets seem to be the only answer.
So this season, not only am I bringing on extra social troops, but I am deploying the "Social Spreadsheet".
This spreadsheet will be the answer to all of your questions:
-How social am I?
-How social is my team?
-Why does that team keep winning?
Now, you will know exactly how many "social cookies" (because everyone likes cookies) your team will get, which will determine the winner each week and ultimately determine the social winner of the league at the end of the season.
The breakdown will be as follows:
-Pre Midnight photo:
5 social cookie points for a team photo posted to the WAKA VA Peninsula page by 10:30 PM with at least 3 team members
1 social cookie point per team member represented in the After Midnight Photo
-Weekly Challenge
3 social cookie points if it's obvious that your team participated in the weekly challenge
With the introduction of the spreadsheet - Thank you Jason Williamson - I would also love to introduce Victoria Davis. Together we will be social masterminds who will guide you and your teams through weeks of silly interviews, lots of (responsible) drinking, and plenty of weekly challenges in which stripping may be involved.
Now if you're interested in what the spreadsheet might look like, well it will be very similar to Brent Wentworth's official weekly standing spreadhseets, just more fun. Be prepared for photo proof of all of your shenanigans.
Now to commemorate the first week of games, we're introducing a new challenge! "Meet thy Neighbor".
-Kiss someone
-Can't be a couple (married, dating, etc.) - unless this is how you'd like to reveal your couple-ness ;)
-Has to at least be a kiss on the cheek (or lips if you're daring)
-Photo proof must be posted to the WAKA VA Peninsula page using #kickballkiss
"Let's MAKEOUT like bandits on this first challenge" - Victoria Davis
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