Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Rip Line Drives In Kickball

People all around the league know me as one of the most dangerous line drive kickers in WAKA. Ok, stop laughing. For real. Watch my highlight tape!

Alright, maybe "one of the most dangerous" is a bit of an exaggeration, but I am proud of this aspect of my game. It isn't something that came naturally though. I've been playing kickball for 8 years now, and it really isn't until the last two years that I've really become an effective line drive kicker. When in kick away situations, I was constantly popping up and hoping for a dropped ball in the outfield. Never confident that I could execute and push my teammates across the plate.

But I'm not writing this blog as an excuse to self promote (right). I want to share the techniques that helped improve my performance. When trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, I turned to YouTube and found this really helpful video. It's from the Online Soccer Academy, and while he's demonstrating the proper form for shooting on goal, the basic concepts translate well to kickball.

Here are the key points from the video:

Again, it's not something that comes naturally. It does take some practice, especially getting the timing down against pitches with movement. I would encourage anyone who wants to improve in this area to give it a shot and work on it. I know I'm constantly tweaking my form and working on getting more consistent.

Hope this blog was helpful. Please feel free to share in the comments on Facebook any tips and tricks you might have for kicking line drives. And of course, now that you're ready to kick lasers, sign up for a league near you at


  1. Hi! I see a lot of blogs saying about the same thing you are. However, I am in a team pitch to yourself league that is really slow pitching. So, placement is more important than just kicking it. How do I aim my kicks to where I want it to go?

    1. Hey Justus, thanks for checking out the blog. To help aim, it's important to remember the 2nd bullet point in the "advanced key points". If you keep your shoulders square to your target it'll help you aim your kick.

    2. Your plant foot should also be pointed towards your target as well.

  2. You shared a video about kicking with your laces and you mostly use inside of foot so what are we doing here
