Tuesday, July 6, 2021

CLUBWAKA Hampton Roads Bowling - Summer 2021 Guide


Welcome to the Summer 2021 edition of the CLUBWAKA Hampton Roads Bowling League! There is plenty of information on the season website including the Rules, but keep reading for additional notes to help guide us through this adventure together.

My name is Jennifer Neal and I'll be your League and Social Manager. Overall, my goal is to help ensure everyone has the best experience possible. If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to have a chat with me or send a message to jneal@clubwaka.com
If you have any questions during league play and I am not there, please find Brent Wentworth Jr. (Obviously Not Golfers - White) to help.

Please take some time to review the League Rules and Best Practices. Some highlights:
  • For each game played, the top four scores (including 1 of each gender) will count toward a team's total pins for the week.
  • There are no wins and losses. Each week you are bowling against all teams and your total pins will determine your ranking.
  • Playoffs: The top half of teams will make the Championship bracket. The bottom half will make the Consolation Championship bracket. The playoffs will last two weeks and the teams with the highest total pins over weeks 7&8 will win the respective trophies.
  • Please follow proper bowling etiquette.

  • Masks are recommended for all.
    - If you are fully vaccinated it is not required, but still recommended.

Throughout the season, the results will be recorded on this Google Sheets spreadsheet. You can view not only the current season, but past seasons. The spreadsheet will also be available on thleague website, in the league Facebook group (pinned as an announcement), and embedded below.

Speaking of Facebook, we encourage everyone to join the CLUBWAKA Peninsula Bowling group. This is a great forum to discuss the games, ask questions, and share photos and videos of your shenanigans each week. If you're posting about the league on Instagram, please tag @clubwaka in your photos/videos so we can see you!

WEEKLY TEAM CHALLENGES *Returning this Season*
Each week there will be a challenge to complete at the lanes. Participating players will earn points for their team. Some challenges will have the opportunity for BONUS points! The team with the most points at the end of the season will win!
Rules for the Weekly Team Challenges
Point Limit:
  • Each week a team can earn a maximum of 15 points for posting/emailing their Weekly Team Challenge submissions. The 15 points is a total for all players on the team, including Bonus points.
    • If all players on the team participate in the Weekly Team Challenge, the team will earn a 5 point Bonus = 20 point possible total for the week!
CLUBWAKA Approved Shirt:
  • Players must be wearing an approved CLUBWAKA shirt in their picture/video submissions for points to count! Wearing a CLUBWAKA shirt during league play is one of the rules of the league.
    • Not applicable if participating in Theme Week challenges.

Sparetimes offers our league members access to their Players Club for discounted bowling and a points based rewards system for food and non-alcoholic beverages. A few notes and reminders:
  • New players need to fill out a form at the Sparetimes front desk in order to enjoy the benefits.
  • Cards are deactivated every August 31st.
  • Returning players will have their cards reactivated automatically.


The best practices are listed in the Rules, but please see below for an example. Note the following:
  • Changes to the bowling order can be made in the left column (Week 1 only).
  • At least one male and one female score will count toward the Team Pin Total.
  • Please ensure all scores are legible.
  • Write "BLIND" for bowlers not present.
  • The first sheet goes to the front desk (usually easiest to give to me).
  • The second sheet goes to me (or someone acting in my stead).

Happy Bowling!

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