Thursday, January 24, 2013

There's a Tear in My Beer...

     For week 2 of the VA Raptor season, the Bad News Beers brought their B game to the plate!  Why? Because "B" stands for BEER!!!  They did their best to defend their losing streak, and by golly, they got the job done right as they took a pounding from Pop Pop and JFK, for a total of over 20 runs against them when the day was done.  When Bryan Pena was asked why his game was a little off when playing JFK, his reply was "SHHheiiijaoi  siijnnsitsfitus leehhhh" which translates into  "I'm so drunk, man...." Captain Trici Frederick has made it known that she will be training the team to "pace themselves" since they have so many double headers this season.  Yeah, good luck with that!

A rare photo of Derek Patterson actually standing upright

     Playing against Pop Pop was pretty fun, from what the BnB can remember of it.  After a few shots of Andrew Schlichte's "Hot Fireball Cider", nobody remembers nothin'!! By the way, don't try saying that last name when you're hammered.  Trust me!!  And remember, booze gives you the munchies, so of course, hot dogs were cooking on the grill!!  Most players where choking down hot dog parts while up to kick.... Kickball at it's finest!! :)  Which reminds me, does anyone know the Heimlich and CPR just in case??
What we really care about....

 Playing against JFK was an all out BLUR!  It seems that in fact, God does NOT protect drunks and fools, because BnB got creamed with a mean shut out. Nothing went their way.  They were plagued with lucky bounces and not-so-popular ref calls. BUT there are some amazing highlights we do remember!  How about the ladies getting it together??!  Chrystal Tanner made a few awesome catches in right field all in one inning!  Angie Jean seems to make it on base every single time, and the Silent Killer, Karen Savell,  made a running catch out in right as well.  Andrea Hoffman...well, Andrea just kept grabbing Adam Henry's butt the entire time.  It was very distracting!  Oh yeah,  Pena, MVPeter Kuhr and Troy Southall all made sweet catches, too...It was getting pretty fun when they kicked away!  Then JFK decided to bunt again. Really??? 15-0 and they are bunting?? Oh well, what the's just kickball, right??!  Anyway, the last inning came up and John  "JP" Wilkinson was ready to kick an 18-run homer!  Hey, it can happen!!! So he bunted and kept running!  The throw to first was missed.  JFK brought it back into play and made an errant throw to second, only to have that dang "lucky" bounce happen and trip up JP between 2nd and 3rd.  Game over.  JFK produces a shut out against the BnB.
  It's all good though....BnB has made plans to change from their "B" game to their "IPA" game next time.  Watch out Panik Attack!
Awwww, look at all those poor BnB's!  They are so sad!!!

Fascinating BnB facts: Kudo's to Andrew for bringing his awesome brew!  We can't wait until the next game where we don't remember a thing! What game??  We're playing a GAME??
Congrats go to George Kiriazidis!  He's on a 3 game streak where he hasn't broken a sweat! It's a personal record!  Keep it up!
 Welcome to the club, Laura Nelson!  She made her debut this past week with the BnB's!  Boy, is SHE gonna regret it... we've all made bets that she's gonna throw up before the Silent Killer next week... ;)


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