Casey Heck and Ed Aaron praising beer. And is that the cup of the covenant on Ed's dong?!
(I'm soooo going to hell for that.)
You do it!
So I'm smoking blunts with Jesus, man. And it's awesome! Oh yeah, let's talk kickball now. Basically the KILFS kicked our butts. Bryan "On Base Machine" Moore started it off and the runs never stopped! Smokin' Bunts couldn't get a handle on things as far as catching fly balls which is sort of important. Frankly, I found out that the KILFS have some sort of mind altering device that prevented us from catching the damn thing. But we're gonna be ready next week. We've all made our own aluminum foil hats to prevent that from ever happening again. Cheaters!!! And the ball was surely rigged by pitchers Jose Fabila and Christopher Storar of KILFS. There were so many pop ups it was rediculous!
Ed Aaron of Smokin' Bunts had enough in the 4th inning. With Casey Heck and Shane Chambers on first and second, he kicked the crap out of the ball and it screamed over the left fielder's head and kept going. It was a 3 run homer, except the dang ball was called dead for hitting a passerby as he was rounding 3rd. So, Ed got called back to 3rd and was kicked in by Nicole Dewey on the next play. The next day, Ed was tracked down and contacted by Langley officials and fined for illegal use of a high flying object without a license. Thanks Obama! Stupid government...
The KILFS held it together and did an awesome job on both sides of the ball. I hate you all. I mean....Bless you and stuff. After that 7-3 loss, we decided to go on a kissing spree at Luckies where Felicia Griffin gave her lips a workout! I won't be surprised if she misses the next few weeks from contracting Mono, Meningitis or the plague...
Feeling the love!!!
Annnnd my absolute favorite... :)
Win, lose, tie. At Luckies,it doesn't matter! Peace out!
Alright everybody, take 5!
Smoke em if ya got em...
This is not a disclaimer. Mainly because nobody reads this small shit anyway.
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