Tuesday, August 25, 2015

BarBuzz: Meet & Greets and Farewells

Tomorrow is WAKA VA Peninsula's Fall Meet and Greet. Not only are we going to meet all of the players (and find out just who actually is single) but we're also about to meet someone very exciting for this league.

Some of you may know that I have decided to no longer write the BarBuzz Blog which in turn means I will no longer be the keeper of the belt. While I have been able to stash a few really awesome write-ups under my belt, I thought it was time for someone else to take the reigns and rule the social world of kickball.

So without further ado, please allow me to introduce to you....#BarBuzzBrad

If you are new to WAKA Peninsula, you will soon be learning a lot of new things or transitioning skills from some other sport to what will undoubtedly be your new love.  One thing that is very near and dear to my heart is this thing called the Bar Buzz Belt.  More important to me is just the buzz part and the journey you will take in seeking the ability to proudly wear this flashy fashion accessory.  In seasons past one beautiful, articulate, fun loving, socially adept young lady has had the power to award this revered prize to the team that she deemed to have contributed the most to the league's social scene each week.  This belt has traveled the world and is in a constant state of being repaired from the hard partying that its recipients have put it through.  For some reason, someone decided it would be a good idea if the ugliest, most socially awkward guy in the league became the judge of the shenanigans this season.  Next thing you know, I'm writing my first blog. 

I am both scared and excited to take on this endeavor.  I love the people of this league and I hope to serve you well in this capacity. So, I know you veterans are only putting up with me long enough to get the insight on how I will be choosing the champion each week, so here is the plan, subject to change as I get feedback.  First, although it is specifically referred to as the "Bar" buzz, I am expanding the playing field to the ends of the known universe.  If you are doing something fun and you are with other WAKA players then shout it out to the world.  Send in pictures, tell your story, tell the world how much fun you are having at the bar, on the field or anywhere else that you may happen to be.  Just figure out a way to make sure that I see it.  The next thing that I want to encourage you to do is to be a good sport. Complement and acknowledge other teams social prowess.  This is a big deal because it really helps me out.  Like anywhere else, you help me out, I'll help you out.  When you help me by filling me in on your picks for which team should be the winner on any given week and provide me with good information by justifying your rationale, I in return will take that into consideration on weeks that your team is involved in a closely contested battle. If I'm having trouble deciding between a few teams, I will determine which team posted the most about other teams in the past and they will have the edge.  The most important thing is for you to have fun in your own way, however, I love Fagel's challenges and I hope she will continue to provide them for us.  I won't be using a point system and I won't give any extra weight to performing the challenges, but you can use them as a reason to stretch yourself and break out of your comfort zone and do something a little crazy. 

Along with each weeks analysis and winner announcement I will continue to offer suggestions on things you can do. Keep in mind that you and your team can do whatever they think is fun and it will help your rating.  I can't wait to see all the creative things you guys do in the name of WAKA fun.  It is going to be a great season and I can't wait to get started!


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