Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bar Buzz: Week 1

So here's how Bar Buzz will work. Each week points will be awarded for the following categories: showing up, flip cup participation, shot consumption, dance floor skillz, and inter-mingling with other teams. Points may also be deducted for overall lameness. Rankings will be determined according to points accrued, but unlike the stats collected on the field these standings may also be influenced by personal bias, opinion, and - of course - mass consumption of alcohol. (Hey, it's a subjective blog - get over it.) You'll also have the chance every week to guess (in the comment section) the song lyrics that best describe that week's occurrences. No special reason why. I just like music and well, who doesn't like a little trivia now and again. Now that we've established the ground rules - let's get on with it!

"Reunited it feels so good. Reunited 'cuz we understood. There's one perfect fit and sugar this one is it...We both
are so excited 'cuz we're reunited, hey-hey."

Mixin' and Minglin' was the theme of the week. And why wouldn't it be?? For some of us, it's been a long, lonely winter and the reunion with our WAKA Wednesday favorites was much overdue. We probably should have told Luckie's to turn down the music so we didn't have to yell so much in order to catch up but that just meant we could drink more. At the beginning of the season, here's where we stack up:

#15 Off in the Corner: They were... well... off in the corner (somewhere else ).

: For veteran socialites, there was quite the lack of New Kicks kickin' it in their new navy blue duds and major points were lost due to unmet expectations (see Brent's preseason preview). It's rumored that much of their social team is training in an undisclosed tropical location. Guess we know where their priorities are... Better luck next week.
#13 Jiminy Kick-It: JKI gets points for flip cup and heavy participation early on but where this team falls behind is in their departure. Much like their cartoon name-sake, they made a lot of noise but then were no where to be found. If Jiminy is going to make it this season, they'll need to learn how to increase their party stamina and take the W all the way.

#12 Saved by the Balls: Saved by the Balls shows some promise for the season, their naturally social and charismatic co-captain Allison Hund could carry them quite far, but to gain all the momentum necessary to get them to the top of the ranks she's going to need her to team to step in and pick up some slack. Because quite frankly, her liver can't go it alone.

#11 JFK
and #10 Vicious and Delicious: It seems that while these teams were busy recruiting heavy hitters on the field, they forgot to find their heavy hitters for the bar. Both teams had a few key players (read: obligated captains) drinking and mingling strategically but in the upcoming weeks those players won't bring enough points to push them to the top.

#9 The Emperors Club: None will be as surprised as I am by the VIP's break through to the top ten this week. Perhaps it was the early smack talk that had them ready to start their drinking season on the right foot, but I saw it with my own eyes folks (see photo) - THE VIP'S WERE GATHERED AT THE BAR. Are their days of exclusive supper club dinning over or was their territory just already occupied by the "new to the school cafeteria" Moose Knuckles? Only time will tell.

#8 Battlestar Ballsacktica: Although new in name to the Peninsula, this team has many veteran players to our Bar Buzz social scene and in theory has all the social elements that could bring them to the top of our standings. The acquisition of MK Hogg, photographer and mingler extraordinaire really kept them at the top this week. And if they can manage to hang on to their NKOTB roots of social shenanigans (despite wanting to become a more "serious" kickball team - some would argue that's an oxymoron) they could go pretty far in this ranking too.
Foul Balls: As demonstrated by their posted weekly recap, the Foul Balls win major points for their team comradery at Luckie's where their sea of kelly green was in full force. However, in order to ramp it up they'll need to find a way to move their balls away from the bathrooms and get involved in the party!

Chicken Tetrazzini: Last season you could always find CT outside on the deck, and so it's no surprise that's how they chose to start this season out despite frigid (okay, well sort of) temperatures. It's also no surprise that CT gains points for heavy team participation and late night shenanigans. Other teams should take note, if you want to overtake the CT's in these rankings you're gonna have to learn to close down the bar (and then maybe even head to Sandbar).

Rumspringa: In a rankings poll where past performance IS influential, Rumspringa simply loses points. But as Commissioner Wenworth pointed out "They were at the bar taking shots". Okay, so they get points for taking shots (...and for mingling. I'll admit they were their usual charming selves). But where have our fun-loving, dance-mob, smurf like friends gone?? The 'Springas have been noticeably missing from most VA Peninsula social events to date. Perhaps they are still hibernating for winter and warmer summer days will bring about that familiar call... "Rumspringaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

Jagernauts: As to be expected the Jagers showed up high numbers and I can guarantee this will be the trend week after week, as will their high capacity for mingling and/via Flip Cup lead by team social butterfly Ashlee Gitkos. But for the Jagers to continue to pull ahead of the other Pen Div teams this year, they're going to have to step up their drinking game which is usually only displayed at off-season parties and MSP/ESP gatherings. Kim Merritt suggested that teams should get points for distance traveled, "I have to drive 35 miles at the end of the night and that doesn't count the distance I've already traveled for my pre-game drinking". I'm not exactly sure how far other team members may have to travel but since you mentioned it Merritt, you get it.

5 O'Clockers: The Clockers held strong at the bar this week (literally they were AT the bar the entire time) and in high numbers. This is a typical component of the 5 o'clock social game (that the GTK counterpart lost at the end of the season) and we expect to see this heavy showing to continue. If past performance tells us anything, their strength will mostly lie in their heavy drinking and stamina but if they want to break into the lead they'll need to break out of their circle and make it out to the dance floor and other corners of the bar consistently.

Chubby Gangsters: In a week where mingling was the priority, the Chubbie's take the gold. CG's could be spotted across the bar as they caught up with various players from all over the division. A usually social team, this wasn't hard for them to do and I'm sure as the season progresses this natural hospitality combined with some new players in the social scene will keep them at the top of the rankings. As one anonymous (female) onlooker astutely noted, "Where did CG get all the new guys?!"

#1 Moose Knuckles
- Watch out veteran Peninsula Teams. If there's one team that's going to give the traditional social staples like the Jagers and Rumspringa's a run for their money, the Knuckles are it. Flip Cup. Shots. Mingling. All topped off with a very large crowd still at the bar at the end of the night gave them a huge upper hand to start the season strong. They definitely had at it all; and for that they get the number one slot this week.

And finally what you've all been waiting for...
Cupid Shuffle - 1
Other Group Line Dances that have no Apparent Meaning - 0

...Until Next Week - Bottoms Up!

Moose Knuckles - Bar Buzz Week 1 Champs!


  1. Moose Knuckles definitely kicked a lot of ass at Luckie's on Wednesday night!

  2. Yeah Moose Knuckles! I think I am more proud of this than our win :)

  3. Who is the anonymous girl??? There are 5 single guys on our team ... I like to hook people up ... Although Buster tells me that is not allowed since things should happen naturally ... haha! We pulled them from the bar, from rugby,the ball field, and from other teams :) If you wanted to know where they came from :)

  4. well - as Melissa said...we pulled two of the "new" guys from the ballpark - they were at the bar last year too...just not in the CG uniform!

  5. Yes they were there last year hanging out with our team ... so they were kinda CGs last year ... but I was referring to Marker 20 for the bar add on. :) We have an awesome squad this year, and we plan to stay on the top of the bar rankings as well as the field rankings ... watch out WAKA peninsula!!

  6. Make sure you run all the single ladies by Jeff Smooth Operator" White.. Single ladies are first, kickball is second.
