Monday, May 20, 2013

Bar Buzz: Director's Cut

Since I'm guest writing this blog, I've decided to pull a Marilee Columbus and pick a theme I can relate every team to something, put something quippy in the description and get my message across. I'm actually just hoping this requires less work and gets me to sleep faster.

So tonight I watched Lincoln and, like the rest of the country, I was highly impressed with every facet of the movie. After realizing Lincoln was nominated for 12 Academy Awards, I thought I would hand out my own Oscars for last Wednesday.

16. Best Documentary Short - Battlestar Ballsacktica
The real life story of Battlestar this season is short because it stops at the field.

15.  Best Live Action Short - Moose Knuckles
Without the Anderson's manning the helm at the bar, the only thing worth mentioning this week is their live action kickball play.

14.  Best Sound Editing/Mixing - Peanut Butter Jelly Time
They were loud on the field. They had a new chant to get their team hyped up. Then they mixed it up and were very quiet at the bar.

13.  Best Makeup and Hairstyling - Free Ballin'
Hair and Makeup held up at the field. It wasn't enough to get them noticed at the bar.

12.  Best Production Design - That Just Happened
With Katie Litle on vacation. outside of Geoff Morehart and Lenora Harper, TJH was designed to fail.

11.  Best Costume Design - Chicken Tettrazzini
Adam and Andrea Henry rock that pink at the bar on the weekly. Unfortunately, they appeared to be the only ones.

10.  Best Foreign Language Film - Chubby Gangsters
Robert Benigni is to Italy as Andrew Osterdahl is to the CG's. He's the only reason they're even relevant in this write-up.

9.  Best Animated Feature - Foul Balls
They may not win many other awards, but they'll always be one of the most talked about.

8.  Best Cinematography - Who's Driving Home
Awarded to a team led by Brian Neal. A man who pours his blood, sweat, tears, and entrance music into every week on and off the field.

(Editor's note: This realize this has nothing to do with cinematography, but it's an under appreciated award much like, in my opinion, the captaining duties of Brian)

7.  Best Original Score - New Kickheads on the Block
A team oft used to winning the belt, making slight progress at returning to their original form.

6.  Best Visual Effects - Kick Ass
Kick Ass probably wins weekly for on the field visual effects on the bases with Captain Manny Anderson and his band of athletes. They looked just as good at the bar bringing some new faces out to party and staying late even.

5.  Best Original/Adapted Screenplay - Pop Pop
Pop Pop continues to write the same impressive story and has a decent number make it to the bar. However one loud POP POP shot doesn't go as far with the academy as they might like.

4. Best Actor/Actress in a Supporting Role - 5 O'clockers
Freed, Efird, Travis, Stevens. An AMP with names like that is bound to turn some heads.
(Editors Note: What about WENTWORTH?!? No respect)

3.  Best Director - The Misfits
Kim Merritt may be the star at the bar this team needed to defend their title, but the constant direction of Simone Harbas on how to act (or act up) at the bar is what has kept this team in contention the last couple weeks.

2. Best Actor/Actress in a Leading Role - Dirty Mike & the Boyz
It's hard to prove at this point, but I think Dirty Mike may have had more people throughout the night than any other team. While they were obviously having a good time, they need to try a little method acting and spend one week hanging out from team to team to truly understand the meaning of the Bar Buzz.

1.  Best Picture - Rumspringa
This is the kind of performance people will be talking about for weeks to come. That is, until they do it again in a week or two. I feel like they're just hitting their stride and making it look easy.

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