Friday, June 21, 2013

Battlestar Summertime Summary

    So, I've been MIA for a while since it's like....SUMMER AND STUFF!!!!!  Kids are home, things to do, people to see, food to eat, sun to bask in, and boats to float in!  Sorry for the delay, but I don't really think anyone noticed anyway.  Sooooo, let's catch up....

     "No Lights Night" caught us off guard when we tried to practice a few drills in the dark at Tabb Middle.  But take a look at this awesome action photo of Joe Stumpo catching one in the face as Michael Machie rockets one to first from the charger position.
Just look at all the spit coming out of Stumpos face!  Once in a lifetime shot, right there!!!  I'd like to credit Nick, Emily, and MK for all the photo taking tips this year. It's really paid off!!

      Battlestar creamed the Misfits at Gosnold's for the make up game the following week, and I'm sure there were some great plays but who the hell can remember that far back?? I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, so DEAL! We pretty much kicked away to our hearts delight and had great fun...
     Double headers ruled the last 4 games of the season because of stupid rain, rain, and more rain, and no damn the second to last week, the Ballsacks faced Chubby Gangsters and Moose Knuckles. The CG game was a surprise loss to Battlestar, but it's pretty much hit or miss with this team.  We either got it or we don't. CG played a little differently than expected in that they booted it instead of bunting in certain situations.  The very first kick was a fly to right field where Karen "Silent Killer" Savell was waiting. Michael Wezensky had 3 fouls on him and he was desperate to keep it in bounds, so BOOM! It's was a pretty tight game until bad throws were being made and catches weren't being caught at first...After the game Stumpo was asked why he was having a bad game. "I just hadn't gotten a hit lately and I'm really bummed, man," said Stumpo. "What do you mean?? You get on base every stinking game!" "No, no!  I mean the Italian mafia hasn't called on me to make a hit in quite a while.  I just miss the thrill of doing the job.  It's really messing with my game, dude!"  Um... yeah, ok....
 So they fell to the Chubby's, 5-3.
     But then they came back in the 2nd game to tie Moose Knuckles 2-2.  With hardly any errors mucking things up for Battlestar, they can hang with the best of them and that's a fact!  With the score at 2-0 Moose Knuckles, Jason Lantz-alot cold-cocked the the mess out of the ball right down the right field foul line for a 2 run homer and tied that sucker up!  Battlestar was able to hold MK to no runs for the final inning.  Wham bam, thank you Ma'am!
      On to the next double header and we faced 5 O'Clockers and New Kickers.  It was tight for 3 solid defensive innings with the score 0-0.  Machie and Mark "Rabbit" Thompson worked in tandum to keep runners from advancing like a well oiled machine... then 5 O's made their move.  With 1 on base a deep kick to right field was booted where the "Silent Killer" was there to make a running backwards catch.  It was thrown in and then relayed to 3rd where the runner kept going and made it in for the score.  They opened it up to 3 runs but the Ballsacks couldn't get any runs in and fell 3-0
      Then it was a fun game with the New Kickers.  With the game not really meaning much to the Ballsacks, they decided to change things around a bit.  New pitchers came into the game and everyone played where they hadn't before...mostly. With 5 different pitchers, things got a little weird but darn fun! Lorraine Adkins, MVPeter Kuhr, Mark Thompson, Michael Machie, and Karen Savell all took the mound.  Yeah, there were a few walks made, but they didn't do too bad.  OK, some of them really sucked but it made for a really fun game!  And a close one at that!  The new Kickers were actually winning in the first inning!  They made some pretty awesome plays and kicks, but the Ballsacks got a little more serious and came from behind in a 4-2 victory.
     So there ya have it! 3 blogs in one. BOOM! Oh, yeah....I need to stop some terrible rumors going around about one of our Ballsack players....
The answer is NO!  Erin Machie did NOT swallow a WAKA kickball!  I don't know how that rumor started but it needs to stop! NOW!  That there is a little baby Ballsack and he/she is due to start playing in August of 2034. Get ready!  I have a feeling it's gonna be a quick little sucker!

P.S.- Brandon Silver hasn't been in any highlights for a while since he tried to go all out ninja at his MMA classes and threw out his back.  His old rickety self is healing and he's going to miss out in the tourney as well. We will miss your awesome BOOT and your face, dude! It hasn't been the same without you!  (Actually, rumor has it that he'll be cheering for the Ballsacks on Saturday, so look for the orange shirts and come give him a (very gentle) pat on the back and wish him well!)



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