Monday, April 27, 2015

It's a long one, but size matters right? - BarBuzz

I have come to learn that the best challenges I've had at the bar have been totally random and spur of the moment. Who knew that giving a bunch of kickballers some sharpees and a challenge to get as many signatures as possible would be so fun!

Everyone seriously rocked it. I saw so many people running around getting signatures and meeting new people - best thing ever! In case you missed it, i gave a clue to find a rookie - "you can huff, you can puff, but you can't blow his house down" - Brickhouse ;) and Brent Wentworth did get the "rookie-worth-more". For the rest of you who did do the challenge, I don't think I saw a single shirt with
signatures that wasn't covered in them. Most of y'all went balls to the wall!

So let's take a look at some of the highlights:

  • Pitching Bez finally came out the the bar and they were the life of the party! Singing along with the DJ, playing flip cup, and buying what looked like a tray full of shots before everyone else was at the bar. It's ok, I'll let it slide this time that the shots happened before I got there. You're new.
  • Twerk Team came back to the bar which was great. I love when y'all take over the dance floor. Also, can you change your name from KILFs to Twerk Team one season??
  • Cardiac Arrest had FOUR people at the bar. I almost died when I saw the picture.
  • And last but not least, Victoria Davis went against the norm (as usual) and made people sign her pants....that's fun too I guess.

Now I'm currently in Austin, TX hanging out with other kickballers and getting peer-pressured to go on a 4 day cruise in August. Want in? Check out the deets and let me know! Would love to have some people to be my travel buddies! For a good time click here

And since I'm gone for work, I won't be at the bar Wednesday, sad times, I know. But I leave you in the capable hands of Victoria Davis and Stephanie Romett, both of who are also painfully charming with excellent social skills who will both report back to me. So don't slack off!

Just a few more events you need to be aware of:

May 17th - First, we're throwing a brunch party which I am SO excited about. Still working out the details, but save the date and join the facebook event! Click here for more event details.

June 28th - Second, it's probably my favorite event of the year; Summer Draft Party is quickly approaching and everyone should not only attend but should also sign up for the league! Because the captains and team names are AWESOME. Click here for more event details.

And now for the spreadsheet. This one was super close and I really had to look at the level of challenge participation. While Foul Balls had a few people who were very active with their challenge, the KILFs had just as much activity with more team members participating. In fact, I'm pretty confident that every person from the KILFs at the bar participated in the challenge. They also had FOUR people in the kickout photo - all of whom had shirts covered with signatures bt-dubs. Congrats guys, I know you'll wear the belt proudly!

I'll miss everyone, but I'll see you next week!!


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