Who Will Kick Our Balls When We’re Gone?; or
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Co-Worker’s Questions and Love Kickball
I couldn't sleep and I have 25 fortune cookies on my fridge so here are some words of wisdom for your kickball future:
1) Your winsome smile will be your sure protection. That is, if you're a cute girl and you smile at the home plate ref, he will definitely make the strike zone a little smaller. I know what you're thinking, but when was the last time you saw a female home plate ref?
2) Drink to
3) Let hatred turn into friendship because of
4) He who hurries and kicks the first pitch cannot draw a walk
5) The only good is
6) Never argue with
7) Someone is speaking well of you but only because they're about to say something really mean about you.
8) You will always be surrounded by true friends unless you play on DCOMB, they're all a-holes.
9) A new
11) A
12) You will not attract cultured and artistic people to your home if you invite kickball people over.
13) You should be able to make money and hold on to it instead of playing in 4 kickball leagues. Since when are fortune cookies so judgy. The lucky numbers on the back are really Gene's work number.
14) Keep your plans secret for now. Listen to this, Brent Obershaw. Everyone knows what Williamsburg means!
15) The strength of a
16) If you don't think about the future, you can't have one. And if your thoughts about the future are 90% about kickball you may want to find something else.
17) Sing and rejoice,
19) You are going to have some new clothes unless your team decided to be boring and keep their old colors. And light blue will never be known as DCOMB blue, it's chubby gangster blue, always!
20) The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people. Something about reffing at first base and the first base coach yelling in your ear. I'll be honest, this is getting kind of tedious. Jeez, I should just say there are 20 and go to bed...
23) You are tasting the sweets of success. And if you are like The Situation you will almost smile as you lift up the trophy.
25) You will shortly profit in some way with a sporting association. Good luck in the Spring!
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