Thursday, July 20, 2017

VA Atlantic Kickball - Summer 2017 - Week 2


Week 2 is in the books, Weeks 3 and 4 launch our three field weeks that will see SIX teams have a double-header each night. Be ready, a lot of kickball is headed your way!

Final round of t-shirt orders have arrived, they'll be at the fields on Monday.

This Friday (7/21) come on out to Dave and Busters to enjoy a FREE unlimited game card. The card is good for the night on any non-ticket games. You'll also get 20% off all food!

So this just happened on Facebook, thanks everyone for growing the group!

Game Recaps

Scores ] [ Standings ]

Social Events

Standings and Info ]

What an incredible turnout this week...well over 50 players at the bar and that doesn't count friends and family. You all rock! This week also kicked off our bar games and first theme week.
  • Bar Attendance
    BBYM continued their strong bar presence and KR4K stepped up their game to each get 10 or more players to the bar. Fusion, Pandas, and UNITY fell slightly short but easily cleared the 5 player hurdle. BBYS stayed consistent picking up another point.

  • Bar Game - Jenga
    Fusion vs. UNITY
    Semi-final game
    BBYS and Pandas cruised to easy semi-final appearances off a BYE and forfeit in round one. In their match-up, Lindsay confidently crushed Pandas with her aggressive play and launched BBYS into the finals.

    The other side of the bracket was filled with quite a bit more action. First up was Fusion vs BBYM. This was the best game of the first round with Matt pushing Fusion to a game easily twice as long as any other games up to that point. In the end a tough pull brought everything crashing down for BBYM. The last game of the first round saw UNITY cruise to an easy win over KR4K after a poorly planned pull by Brian early in the game. That set up Fusion and Unity in the semi-final to see who would face BBYS. The Fusion vs Unity game saw the tower reach over 32 levels before it collapsed! This match-up was tightly contested with steady pulls and only finally ended when Eddie placed his block on top causing the unavoidable collapse and handing the win to Fusion.

    The finals was a bit of a let down after the crazy semi-final match between Fusion and UNITY but in the end Lindsay's aggressive play didn't match up well against Fusion's patience and BBYS fell short.

  • Weekly Challenge - Crazy Socks (Theme)
    1st Place
    Every team except Smashers got in on the theme week. BBYM, Fusion, KR4K, Pandas, and UNITY all had five or more participating while BBYS didn't quite hit five. There were a lot of great socks out there, everything from outlandish colors, to unique prints, and even excessive sock usage! But I had to choose just three as the winners for this week's theme.

    • 1st - Megan (UNITY) with Captain America socks. Can't miss those wings, they stand out.
    • 2nd - Jessica (KR4K) with Wonder Woman socks. The capes on the back flapping to a close second.
    • 3rd - Leha (Pandas) with her fashionably questionable sock tutu.

  • League Support
    Pandas, KR4K, and Fusion all earned field break down points with the highlight being Alli actually RACING to pick up bases and cones!

Fusion walks away with the win for the second week in row making up lost ground on the Crazy Socks theme with their Jenga win. The overall race is still incredibly close with Fusion leading by just two points over KR4K. UNITY, Pandas, and BBYM are a bit further back but all are in easy striking distance of the overall lead.

Photos from Week 2!
Check out Erica's Fashion Blog covering the Crazy Socks theme week.

About Those Rules

This week's rule topic is playing a ball on the foul lines. What is the call if someone is in fair territory and touches a ball before it lands in foul territory? What if someone is in foul territory and reaches out to touch a ball in fair territory?

Rule 1.04: Any player or Referee wholly or partly in fair territory is an extension of fair territory. Any live base runner outside the kicking box is fair, even when wholly in foul territory. A player jumping from fair territory is in fair territory while in the air. A player in foul territory does not extend foul territory by jumping or reaching into fair territory.

13.02 A foul ball is:
b. a kicked ball first touching a fielder or Referee wholly in foul territory, while the ball is over foul territory (see Rule 1.04)

13.03 A fair ball is:
c. a kicked ball first touching a player or Referee in fair territory (see Rule 1.04)
d. a kicked ball landing in fair territory, then touched by a participant in fair territory before touching the ground in foul territory (see Rule 1.04)

That's a lot to process so let's break it down. First, any player or referee even partially in fair territory is an extension of fair territory. Have even one toe in fair territory and reach out and touch a ball in the air in foul territory...FAIR ball. On the other hand, there is no extension of foul territory by a player reaching into fair territory. Big picture, if the ball is in fair territory you're always calling the position of the ball to determine fair or foul. If the ball is in foul territory you must take the player's position into consideration.

There is one other unique situation that can come up (and in fact did during the KR4K/UNITY game). What if a player is in the air and knocks a ball in foul territory down? Again, it depends on the player positioning as "a player jumping from fair territory is in fair territory while in the air". However, they must have been in the air before leaving fair territory.

What's on Tap - Week 3

Schedule ]

  • 6:30 PM
    • Lot:  BBYM vs. KR4K  (Ref UNITY)
    • Swamp:  Fusion vs. Smashers  (Ref UNITY)
    • Tennis:  BBYS vs. Pandas  (Ref UNITY)
  • 7:30 PM
    • Lot:  Smashers vs. Pandas  (Ref BBYM)
    • Swamp:  Fusion vs. KR4K  (Ref BBYM)
    • Tennis:   UNITY vs. BBYS  (Ref BBYM)
  • Weekly Challenge:  Ref Love (Photo)
  • Bar Game:  Beer Pong

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