Monday, June 25, 2018

Clubwaka Draft - Top 15 Females

15. Mag Bryce - 10 points

Newer player to co-ed who made an impact in the one season she played winning a title with Peninsula title with Night Sweats. She is a bit of an unknown but could be a potential huge sleeper as a strong athletic, female with clubwaka championship experience.

14. Jamela Terry - 12 points

Very experienced player that really knows the game and has been improving season to season. A strong outfielder and also a great bunter who can paint the line. Also has lots of experience at the circuit level.

T10. Christy Remus - 15 points

Another strong, experienced player who has both Clubwaka/circuit experience as a member of Loose Cannons. Very aggressive defensively and is comfortable bunting or kicking.

T10. Tiffany Gaidos - 15 points

Recent Fall Clubwaka Freedom champion has played a lot of seasons and is a usual fixture in the OF. Experience is a theme you'll see a lot in the top girls drafted and she has lots of it along with great hands.

T10. Kaylee Zapata - 15 points

I may be biased but just an all-around awesome person to play with, and another strong OF girl that knows the game well and can bunt. Lots of experience playing under pressure in big games.

T10. Journey Schmidt - 15 points

Another experienced girl outfielder that is also a strong bunter and has played on top clubwaka teams. Sounds familiar to the last three which is probably why it was so hard to distinguish them and led us to a 4-way tie. Will be interesting to see how close they are drafted on draft day.

9. Brook Holloway - 16 points

Not as experienced as some of the other females in the draft, but Brook has made a big impact right away. Got her first clubwaka freedom title with Smokin Bunts last week, and in her short time has already accumulated experience at two circuit events. Can comfortably bunt or kick.

8. Jamie Gallagher - 22 points

Jamie makes a strong case for having potentially the strongest leg of any female in Clubwaka. Can kick for power, accuracy but can also lay down a bunt if needed.

7. Lisa Cardi - 23 points

Former soccer player that can place a ball and is very strong defensively. She has the arm to charge or pitch even in the co-ed game.

6. Anna Rigg - 24 points

Another player that has greatly developed in the past few seasons, and is now one of the top female bunters in clubwaka along with being a strong OF. She has experience in the circuit level and has played on many top teams in the area.

5. Karen Savell - 29 points

She is probably the most experienced player on this list at the clubwaka level, having played at a top level for years. Her skillset has not declined, and she still remains someone who can paint the line or make an incredible play in the outfield.

4. Jennifer Neal - 32 points

Taking over a year off due to having a baby may of slowed a lot of females down, but Jen Neal remains among the elite in Hampton Roads. She's a great outfielder who can also pitch or charge if needed, and one of the best bunters regardless of gender in Clubwaka.

3. Nicole Dewey - 40 points

Nikki should be one of the first, if not first female names mentioned on draft night for many reasons. She is an amazing teammate willing to do whatever is asked of her by her captain, and has the skill and knowledge to stand out among the elite. She's won circuit titles as a former player on Panik Attack, and excels in any position she's put in.

2. Katie Bruce - 41 points

Katie is one of the most sure-handed outfielders in the game, though don't be surprised if with her skill set she gets drafted to pitch or charge. She can lay down the perfect bunt to beat you, or can burn the outfield if they cheat in too much.

1. Ashley Semlar - 42 points

Ashley comes in at #1 on our list to likely no surprise. If you're looking for a winner, she's got more titles than most the people in the draft with her experience in the circuit/clubwaka level. Can track down anything in the outfield and is one of the most difficult girls to get out regardless of whether she is kicking or bunting.

So there you have it! Again these are just for entertainment, we don't get to watch all the games so I'm sure some amazing females slipped through the cracks that deserved to be on the list. Below you will find our individual Top 15 rankings. Hope you enjoyed!

Alex Jackson's Top 15:

1. Ashley Semlar
2. Nicole Dewey
3. Jennifer Neal
4. Katie Bruce
5. Anna Rigg
6. Karen Savell
7. Jamela Terry
8. Jamie Gallagher
9. Lisa Cardi
10. Chrity Remus
11. Brook Holloway
12. Journey Schmidt
13. Kaylee Zapata
14. Mag Bryce
15. Sarah Szekely

Travis Bryant's Top 15:
1 – Katie Bruce
2 – Niki Dewey
3 – Jamie Gallagher
4 – Ashley Semlar
5 – Brook Holloway
6  - Anna Rigg
7 – Jen Neal
8 – Silent Killer
9 – Kaylee Z.
10 – Tiffany Gaidos
11 – Christy Remus
12 – Journey S.
13 – Lisa DeFiore (Cardi)
14 – Sluggette (Alexandra McCarthy)
15 – JaMela Terry

Jamie LaFaub's Top 15:
1. Ashley Semler
2. Katie Bruce
3. Lisa (Cardi) DeFiore
4. Nicole Dewey
5. Karen Savell
6. Jen Neal
7. Tiffany (Cates) Gaidos
8. Maghan Bryce
9. Journey Schmitt
10. Sarah Szekely
11. Kaylee Zapata
12. Christy Remus
13. Anna Rigg
14. Jamela Terry
15. Jamie Gallagher

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