Sunday, August 14, 2022

CLUBWAKA Sunday Bowling - Week 5 Recap

Hello Sunday Rollers!

I hope you’ve had a tremendous weekend and are ready to cap it off with a great night at Sparetimes tonight. We are headed into our final night of the regular season. Let’s take a look at some updates.


The Non-Golfers were the top performing team in week 5, rolling a 1,185. Our top-4 is pretty much set as the gap between 4th place and 5th place is 499 pins. Tonight will be all about having fun and warming up for next week when the playoffs start and everything resets.



  1. Laura Richter, Still Very Good? - 154

  2. Kari Winnie, None of that Split - 154

  3. Kristen Morton, Grandma’s Farm - 152

  4. Shelley Sykes, Demon Llamas - 150

  5. Kari Winnie, None of that Split - 148

Laura and Kari share the top spot this week with 154s. One cool note: In 4 weeks, we’ve recognized 4 different women bowlers as the top performer.


  1. Jason Williamson, None of that Split - 206

  2. Ryan Speed, Moist - 201

  3. Jason Williamson, None of that Split - 186

  4. Kevin Hermann, Butt Stuff - 183

  5. Jose Caro, All Stars 2.0 - 179

Another great week for the league’s top overall bowler.


After taking off the Daredevil costume for a much more practical Thor outfit, I bowled a 173 in both games, earning me the title of Mr. Consistent for Week 4.


UNRANKED: None of that Split, Grandma’s Farm, Butt Stuff: I know there was participation on all three teams. But as the saying goes, “Pics or it didn’t happen”.

6. Split Ends: The duality of man.

5. All-Stars 2.0: I’ll be honest. I have no idea what costume this is, but it’s intimidating as hell.

4. Still Very Good?: I like to imagine Henry wearing his apron flipping burgers on the grill. <Christian Bale Batman Voice> How do you like yours cooked?

3. Moist: We got killer cosplays of the Polka Dot Man and Poison Ivy. But this was Super Hero week, not Super Villain week. Bronze.

2. Obviously Not Golfers: If I would have committed to the bit and kept the Daredevil costume on the entire night, I could have awarded the title to ONG. I probably wouldn’t have beaten the blind though (hmm. There is a joke in there somewhere for someone more clever than I am). Shout out to Josh for the killer Logan costume. Who thinks he should keep his facial hair like this?

1. Demon Llamas: I’m personally a Marvel guy, but still appreciate the Justice League showing up to the lanes last week. I think more than anything, Jonathan’s costume reminded me of Hank Venture getting his tongue caught in his Batman mask.(It’s maddening.) And for that reason, they are the Week 5 Social Champs.


Take your phone out. Switch to video. Point it at your face. Hit record, and clearly and loudly tell the camera what your favorite part of being in the CLUBWAKA Bowling league is? Post your video into the Facebook Group. My favorite ones will be put into a compilation on the CLUBWAKA Hampton Roads Instagram page.

Yes, yes. This week’s social challenge is literally designed to help me market the next season. I’m shameless. But we got a bowling alley to fill.

Speaking of next season… If you haven’t registered yet, please smash that Join Button!


We’re six weeks away from Fall league and we have 12 teams forming. Great start. My goal is to get back up to 20+ for the Fall. And in the Winter… We’re going to sell out. 32 teams. #SpeakItIntoExistence #LetsRoll

That’s all I got for this week. As always, if you have any questions, feedback, or if I can help with anything at all, please let me know!

Thank you,


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