Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Agent Spotlight: Wes McClain and Nikki LeBlanc **UPDATE: Wes & Nikki to sign with JFK?

**UPDATE: Sources close to Just For Kicks are reporting that Wes and Nikki have verbally commited to Just For Kicks after a conversation with General Manager Bryan Freed on Sunday. Stay tuned for confirmation.

With Victorious Secret deciding to call it quits after being completely dominated and dismantled by The Emperors Club in the division semi-finals, many players are looking for new teams to join. Among those free agents are Charger Wes McClain and 2nd Team All-Peninsula member Nikki LeBlanc (no relation to Chris "Bundy" LeBlanc). Recently, I got a chance to catch up with these two prolific players and asked them some hard hitting, in depth questions about the upcoming spring season of WAKA VA Peninsula kickball.

"My ideal team would be a competitive, but
very fun team... I hate drama." - Nikki Leblanc
Brent Wentworth: I take it by declaring your free agency, that means that Victorious Secret is not coming back for the Spring season, correct? 

Wes McClain: To the best of my knowledge VS is not returning. Our fealess leader, Colie [Nicole Schaeffer], is not captaining the team, leaving us orphaned.

BW: No one else wanted to step up and take the captainship? 

WM: I do not have the bandwidth to take on another endeavor, as I'm the captain of my outdoor soccer team, play on an indoor soccer team, VP of a non-profit organization, member of a cycling team; training for spring/summer events, and father to 2 beautiful girls. So, I prefer to be a member of a team, not a captain. Pretty much most of the people are in the same boat that played for VS, or they just don't feel comfortable captaining a team. (laughing) 

BW: I can understand that. So, before we talk about your kickball future, would you both care to reflect on your past season with Victorious Secret?

Nikki LeBlanc: VS was comprised of a great group of individuals, that loved to have fun. Sometimes too much fun! (laughing) 

WM: My past season with VS was great, I couldn't have asked for a better team. We had just as much fun winning as we had losing, although winning felt better. It didn't matter who we were playing, Wednesday morning, you could look at any of the VS members page and see us pre-gaming, "SSSSSShhhhhhhhh!!!!!!".

NL: Exactly, Although we were very competitive, we also liked to get out there and have FUN. We didn't allow our competitive side to deprive us of our fun on and off the field!

WM: VS gave me the opportunity to charge, and Nikki helped tame my arm into hitting the target. A little more work, and I will be pinpoint accurate. 

BW: Well, I can definitely say you both excelled and stood out for your play last season. Wes, you were one of the most dangerous offensive threats with those low, hard, accurate line drives. Nikki, of course, you proved yourself to be one of the most athletic ladies in the league and made the 2nd team All Peninsula team. How many seasons have you played kickball? 

NL: The Fall 2010 season of kickball with Victorious Secret was my 1st time ever playing kickball! About 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the season, I knew nothing about an adult league of kickball existing.

WM: I have played kickball for about 7-8 consecutive seasons. I was drafted into the competitive Norfolk league by a coworker who I knew.  

BW: Well, I can definitely see that you guys are hooked. What sports did you play before you got into kickball? 

"You can't have me without my sidekick, Nikki. She won't
let you down either!" - Wes McClain
WM: I'm the captain for the Hampton VA Rush soccer team, West Indies United. I have played soccer since age 5. I won't share how old I am now (laughing). So I'm pretty comfortable with a soccer ball at my feet.

BW: It's easy to see how those skills can translate over to kickball. 

WM: I do pride myself with the low hard line drives just outside of the charger's reach into those impossible gaps to cover. I'm working on my left foot for those teams that cover the gaps into left field. And, in soccer in 10th grade I started as varsity goalie, where I learned the goalie throw, which is how I get so much power on the ball when I throw it.

NL: Along with kickball, I also play co-ed softball (3rd base), volleyball (setter), coach an indoor and outdoor men's soccer team, and I've played some basketball and track back in high school. I have been playing softball for over 23 years, to include playing on the US Navy women's traveling softball team. Softball is my passion first and foremost, which is why it was not a difficult transition to kickball, since it has similar rules and strategies as softball. 

WM: I also played a couple of years of baseball (7th to 10th grade), which was actually my best sport (I always made the all star teams), but I liked this sport the least (even though I was a great pitcher). I have played a good amount of volleyball, both indoor and beach. In the spring and summer, I'm a member of a cycling team where we do charity bike rides from 60 miles to 150 miles. I also ran a little track in 12th grade. My soccer coach made me run, as I had no idea how fast I was until he put me on the track. I thought I was unstoppable running the 200 until I came up on a set of twins with Nike shoe contracts. After that race, I decided to hang up the running shoes (laughing). 

BW: Wow. You guys really make me feel like a lazy, inactive, piece of shit. (laughing) Let's move on before my self esteem is crushed even further as I compare my pathetic athletic resumes against you guys'... Can you each describe for me what your ideal team would look like? 

LeBlanc puts her sports medicine background to good use.
WM: An ideal team to me is one that shows up for the game on time, ready to play with no issues. Other than that, I'm really not picky. 

NL: My ideal team would be a competitive but very fun team. A team of people that I would look forward to seeing week after week. I hate drama, so it would have to be a team that can leave the drama off the field, and come out and have some fun. 

WM: Yeah, everyone would love to be on that team that wins the trophy, but that's not what it's all about. As long as we all come out, give 100%, without getting hurt, learn to play as a team with pride, and have a good time, I really don't care if we lose. I will always be at the next game ready to go.

NL: It would also have to be a team that's willing to accept me and Wes together! 

BW: Naturally! Nikki, Besides your excellent athletic pedigree that we discussed before, what other attributes would you bring to your new squad? 

NL: I have also been known as the "soccer mom." (laughing) Im always trying to take care of people and give them little pointers about things that may help them to improve, all constructive, along with always bringing candy, water, and other snacks out there to the field. I also have a background in sports medicine. So, I am also able to address minor injuries and give good advice on ways to take care of those injuries. I'm just a fun-loving, friendly person all the way around.

BW: You could probably give me some pointers to improve too! (laughing) How about you, Wes? Same question. 

WM: I would say I'm a very mild mannered team player. I will never argue with the captain, the ref, or any player from the other team. I really just go with the flow. If I make it to the base, before the ball, and still get called out, I respect the ref's call, and jog back to my team side. The refs are out there doing the best they can, and aren't going to be right 100% of the time, and we all know that. 

Nikki and Wes recently traveled to Ft. Lauderdale to
play with the "Sloppy Titans" against some of the best
kickball teams in the country.
BW: I agree. If the person is doing their best and paying attention, you can't ask for much more. 

WM: Also, I'm always on time unless my other half makes me late!

NL: Hey!

WM: You guys know what I'm talking about. (laughing) But, now that I mention it, you can't have me on the team without my sidekick Nikki LeBlanc. She won't let you down either. She gives 120%, diving for balls that are well out of her reach, and sometimes gets them.

BW: Good recovery, Wes. (laughing) So, now that we talked about your backgrounds and ideal teams, What goals do you have for the Spring 2011 season? 

NL: My goals for the Spring 2011 season is to join a team of amazing people, with whom I can have a good time.

WM: Offensively, I would like to increase the distance of my long balls. With my trainer, Nikki, I think I have already achieved this. She helps critique my kicks and shows me how to maximize the power efficiency of my kicks. In Florida tournament, she helped me kick a pitched kickball from the corner of a soccer field, where the plate was, to the penalty box on the other side of the soccer field in the air. Too bad it was practice before the game. I did manage to get a grand slam later that day although it was not as impressive.

BW: Damn, I'd say a grand slam is usually pretty impressive. 

"As long as we all come out, give 100%... learn
 to play as a team with pride, and have a 
good time, I really don't care if we lose. 

I will always be at the next game ready to go."
NL: I also want learn to kick the ball with power, instead of always bunting. I think I have the speed, I've learned to bunt down the 1st base line better, and I've also gotten a little better fielding. So, watch out guys and gals!

WM: I would also like to continue improving my throws to first. If I make a bad throw, I get an ear full from you know who (points and nods to Nikki), so that's even more incentive for me to make it flawless.

BW: It's hard to imagine you both getting much better than you already are! No doubt, whichever team you end up with will be lucky to have you. What is the best way for interested captains to get in touch with you? 

NL: The best way to contact me is by email. Either at nyki1209@yahoo.com or on Facebook

WM: Interested captains can choose their preference in contacting me. Email: yelsew@charter.net; Phone: Email me, and I'll give you my phone number (laughing); or Facebook. Feel free to friend me up. You can use Binary language, Octal, Hex, Morse Code, or you can even send smoke stacks Yeah, you guessed it, I'm a computer geek. (laughs) Remember, if you invite me, you're inviting Nikki too, so please make sure you have room for both of us. You won't be sorry.

BW: There we have it, kickball fans! Hope you enjoyed this interview with two of the nicest 'ballas in the league! Stay tuned to see where Nikki and Wes end up playing in the spring! 

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