Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting to Know: Marilee Columbus & Amanda Beierle

It's time for another addition of "Getting to Know". This week, I sat down with a couple of the newest WAKA kickballers, Marilee Columbus and Amanda Beierle of team Moose Knuckles. Let's jump right into the conversation...

"Success is our future, color
coordinated ribbons and all!"
- Amanda Beierle
Brent Wentworth: To begin with I want to thank you both for agreeing to this interview. I think it was a great idea to profile some of our new people. First question; How did you guys hear about WAKA kickball and what made you decide to sign up? 

Amanda Beierle: Jesse Jones told me several months ago about his a-mazing kickball adventures on his VIP winning team. 

Marilee Columbus: Yeah, I heard about kickball from Jesse and Amy Lowe. Jesse has bragged about his skills on the field for awhile now and I just don't believe it, so I need to see it. 

BW: Well, I can testify. I was teammates with Jesse and he came through with an amazing dive to win us another championship. Respect. 

AB: Well, since he was all about earning two free pitchers of beer for having us sign up we decided to give it a shot. (laughing) 

BW: There is no better incentive than free beer. (laughing) So, you neither of you have played kickball before? 

MC: I have some past kickball experience. I got in trouble in third grade for making a super long daisy chain instead of playing my position. So yeah, that's my kickball experience. 

BW: Well, you better not try that this spring. Nick [Anderson] might make you do laps. What about you, Amanda? 

AB: This is a new sport for us, but we are as excited to play as Jesse is excited about his two free pitchers of beer. Since his VIP team couldn’t meet his demands, this trio is going to the expansion team, and hoping to quote “put them on the WAKA Peninsula map” 
"I got in trouble in 3rd grade for
making a super long daisy chain
instead of playing my position."
- Marilee Columbus

BW: Nice, JJ quote. (laughing) You mentioned you're both excited about making your debut. I even heard that you guys held your own small practice, is this right? How'd it go? 

AB: (laughs) Well, since this is a new sporting event for both of us, we told Jesse that Sunday practices were in order. It went as well as a first kickball practice could be expected. There were some (ok, a lot of) laughs, some drills, kicks and throws involved.

MC: Yes, kickball practice was super official. After hearing none of the rules or technical aspects, Jesse just started throwing the ball at us. It went uphill from there. I think we did better than we thought we would though. 

AB: Watch out, we are going to be good. Success is in our near future, color coordinated ribbons and all!

BW: Woah. That's hardcore. Next question, and this is a two parter; I can tell that you guys are very close. Where did you all meet and how would you describe each other? 

MC: Amanda and I met at work, where we shape the future. Yea, no big deal we just teach kids to read or whatever. I would describe Amanda as a walking holiday. An official walking holiday.

AB: Marilee is a blast in a glass, together we teach the future generations of America. 

BW: Wow. I don't even know what either of those terms mean. I guess it's complimentary though. So, in addition to ribbon shopping and creating obscure compliments for each other, what other hobbies do you both enjoy? 

MC: When I'm not teaching preschool I am an at home top chef. I cook new recipes each week and really enjoy that. Trust me, my brownies are on point and I make a mean steak dinner.

BW: Day-um! Now we're talking. Have I mentioned that the Commissioner easily bribed? What about you, Amanda? 

AB: You know, teaching is a side job. On the regular, we enjoy being gym super heroes, keeping our party skills fresh, and getting ready for our up and coming kickball season.

BW: Nice. So, we know you're new to kickball. What other sports have you both played in the past? 

AB: I’ve played all sports, but throughout high school I ran track, reason being how I ended up in Newport News. I was planning on running at CNU, I trained all summer leading up to my freshman year, however when I got here decided not to. I continue to run, but not competitively.

Jesse is a pimp.
BW: What the fuck? Jesse did not tell me that you friggin' ran track! Wait until [VIP Head Coach] George Kiriazidis hears about this... Marilee, don't tell me you are a runner too? 

MC: Well, I ran track for a day in high school. No one told me it involved so much running. I was a ballerina for 14 years of my life. Now I just run for fitness and show off my break dancing robot skills whenever I can.

BW: I'm hoping we'll see these "break dancing robot skills" in action at Luckie's on Wednesday nights this season. So, let's get down to brass tacks. If you don't mind me saying, you both are pretty hot. Now for the question every single dude will want me to ask; Are you single and available? 

AB: Yeeeeeah, we are. Big "what up" to my boy Jason Derulo and ridin solo (It's my theme song), although Marilee prefers Beyonce put a ring on it. Holler at cha girls.

MC: I am single and since I am older than Amanda, my theme is definitely Beyonce. So put a ring on it and I will make you dinner. Deal?

BW: I wouldn't be surprised if you get more than a few proposals this season. (laughing) Ladies, I'm so glad you decided to join our awesome kickball community. Thanks again for your time! 

Hope you all enjoyed the interview. If you have anyone you would like to Get to Know, leave the suggestion in the comments below, and they may be featured in a future post! 

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