Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting to Know: Ricky Holmes

In Ricky Holmes' 2nd season of kickball, he was a big factor in Rumspringa's emergence as one of the league's best. He carried the charging duties and earned the honor of being named to the 2nd Team All-Peninsula team. Not an easy feat considering how many talented chargers we have in the league. Recently, I got a chance to catch up with the man with the Dwight Howard-like smile and asked some hard hitting questions. 
"I do feel like I'm the best charger in the league."

BRENT WENTWORTH: Let's get to know the man behind the signature mohawk. Who is Ricky Holmes? What kind of athletic background do you have?

RICKY HOLMES: I'm just your average guy. A 5 foot nothing, 155lb soaking wet mixed kid with a chip on his shoulder. My athletic background is pretty slim. I always wanted to play football, but never had the size for it. So, I ran a little track at Warwick High School back during the Michael Vick days. Fun fact: I used to live in downtown Newport News when i was a kid and me and Vick actually played on the same little league baseball team together.

BW: Well, I'm glad you stayed away from Bad News Kennels. I'd hate to have to suspend you from WAKA for dog fighting... So, how did you get into kickball? 

RH: I got into kickball because of Scotty [Moriarty]. He was getting a team together and was looking for athletes so he sent me a text. I almost didn't join because I thought $70 dollars was a ton to play kickball. But I opted in because I thought it would be a great chance for me to meet some new friends. The $70 was a steal. I found a new sport I love, a new girl I love [Kecia Warner], and a great team to be a part of. 

BW: That's an awesome testimonial. This really is a great sport we play. Moving on, why do you use the jersey number '81'? Please tell me it doesn't involve T.O...

RH: I'm an Eagles fan, so T.O. definitely had nothing to do with that (laughs). The number 81 comes from the year I was born. It's the number I always wanted for football and my car license plate used to read "HOLMZ 81". It just kinda stuck.

"I found a new sport I love, a new girl I love, and
a great team to be apart of."
BW: Phew. As long as it isn't a homage to TO. I would've lost some respect for you (laughing). Let's talk about your team. In Rumspringa's first season, the team went 2-8-1 and struggled. Last season, 'Springa improved to 7-5, made the final four, and pushed Just For Kicks to the limit, nearly pulling it out in extra innings... Where do you see Rumspringa finishing on July 9th, 2011?

RH: It's definitely going to be hard for us to repeat the season we had last year. I really think that game against Just For Kicks opened some eyes, so we don't have the luxury of surprising people anymore. If we continue to stay focused, have fun, and play together as a team, I believe that we can improve our regular season record this year and be a legitimate contender for the crown.

BW: Describe to me how you and your teammates felt after the epic 7 inning loss to JFK? 

RH: We lost. That was a bummer. But when it was all said and done, we accomplished one of our goals, league-wide respect. We held the league's highest scoring offense to 0 and took them into double OT. Lots of people saw the game and anyone who didn't see it heard about it. We all received tons of praise from a lot of respected players on other teams. That part of it felt great and I think it really helped to soothe the pain away.

BW: Recently on your facebook page, you said you felt you were snubbed from the 1st Team All-Peninsula team charger spot. Do you feel you are the best charger in the league? What do you feel makes you stand out? 

"I love this team and our players."
RH: I do feel like I'm the best charger in the league. Not because I have the strongest arm, because I don't. I think most peoples' measure of a great charger is arm strength. I'll never win that contest. Our league has some guys with absolute canons. But, I feel that my speed, agility, acrobatics, determination and grit help to make me the "Best All-Around" charger in our league. Not to mention I have a fantastic catcher in Troy Southall who I have great chemistry with.

BW: Clearly, your talent is recognized across the league. There have been rumors that numerous teams had come to you in the offseason trying to recruit you. Care to comment on those rumors? Did you put any thought into leaving the 'Springa? And why did you ultimately choose to stay with the squad? 

RH: I'm going to have to shoot those rumors down. I got offers to play with teams on the Southside during the Peninsula's offseason, but I turned those down. I was also playing flag football and I wanted a small break for myself. This downtime feels longer than I thought it would. I think that if I get offers to play on a Southside team again I'll accept as long as it doesn't interfere with Rumspringa. But, to make things perfectly clear, no teams on the Peninsula or Southside have tried to steal me away from Rumspringa. 

BW: Hmm, my sources are always very reliable too. Time to get new sources... 

RH: The only time I'd consider finding another team is if Rumspringa fell apart. I love this team and our players.

BW: Let's do some word association. I'm going to throw some names out there and you tell me the first word that comes to mind... Let's start with "Rumspringa". 

Another WAKA love connection!
RH: Party Animals! 

BW: Scotty Moriarty. 

RH: Coach of the Year. 

BW: Sabra Swilley. 

RH: Feisty!

BW: Just For Kicks. 

RH: OT Loss. 

"I really think the JFK game opened some eyes, 
so we won't have the luxury of surprising people anymore."
BW: Kecia Warner. 

RH: Beautiful. 

BW: Troy Southall. 

RH: Awesome catcher. 

BW: Bryan Freed

RH: Great teacher. 

BW: Vicious and Delicious.

RH: ... Not sure yet. 

BW: Luckie's. 

RH: A blast. 

BW: The Emperors Club

RH: The champs. 

BW: Anthony Williams. 

RH: Rocket arm. 

BW: The Wentworth Trophy. 

RH: I want it! 

BW: Well, Ricky, that's all the questions I have. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Looking forward to seeing what you and your Rumspringa teammates do this upcoming season. 

RH: Thanks, Brent. Shout out to Rumspringa! 

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