Thursday, March 24, 2011

News Around the Peninsula - 3.24.2011

New VA Peninsula Registration Record! 
Less than 7 days left in registration, and our 15 groups are filling out nicely. As of today, we already have over 222 players signed up (which surpasses our total from last season). The next person who registers will set break the all-time record for number of players in VA Peninsula. We've been playing kickball in Hampton and York County on Wednesday nights since the Spring of 2007, and this is going to be our biggest and best yet! Thank you to everyone who has already signed up and everyone who is planning on joining!

In a related note: 201 WAKA tee shirts were ordered this morning with the Luckie's logo on the back! Oh yeah!

Dotson joins Just For Kicks
The Just For Kicks vs. The Emperors Club rivalry just turned another page with the addition of former VIP Ryan Dotson to the team. Dotson, who is married to George "The Sex-Dogg" Kiriazidis' sister, was one of the original members of the team, going back the Bad Newz Kennelz days of Fall '07. He played with the team for four seasons, helping the squad win The Wentworth Trophy in Spring 2008. But in the tumultuous season of Spring 2009, Dotson left the VIPs after clashing with one of the captains (3rd person alert?) during the end of season tourney... Now, Dotson will be making his triumphant return to kickball with his former team's biggest rival, JFK. Just another fascinating storyline for this epic season. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Battlestar Ballsacktica Picks Up Plesha and Easterday
Plesha was so excited about joining her new team that she
demanded requested a blog post to commemorate the occasion.
Two more members of the now extinct Victorious Secret have found new homes. Nicole Plesha and her BFF Alison Easterday are boarding the Battlestar Ballsactica this spring. (Or as Alison referred to it recently, "That Ball-Sack team").

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