Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WAKA VA Peninsula Mega Preseason Preview (Part 3)

This is part 3 of our WAKA VA Peninsula Mega Preseason Preview. If you missed part 1 or part 2, refer to the links.

#5 5 O'Clockers
Captains: Britney Travis and Jeff Pauley
Color: Black
Fall 2010 Record: 6-5-1 (7th place)
All-Time Record: 48-19-5 (.670)
Wentworth Trophies: 1 (Fall 2009)
Best Charlie Sheen Quote: "I have a disease? Bullshit. I cured it with my brain."

The 5 O'Clockers disease last year was inconsistency and a tendency to forfeit. This lead the team to flounder around .500 and finish in 7th place. Prior to the Fall 2010 season, the Clockers had never finished below 4th place in the standings. After the tough season, there were even rumors that the 5 O'Clockers would ride off into the sunset, to never return to WAKA. But captain Britney Travis would not have that. Not only are the 5OC returning, but they are determined to reclaim their place among the Peninsula's elite. She set out to do this by going after a mixture of old and new players. Among those joining the team this year are "The SmoothOperator" Jeff White, VS' Jeff Lee, Courtney Travis, and former Foul Ball Jason Kidd. And after taking a season off, the Clockers are excited to have Lindsay Schrull and P Corey Carlyle back in the fold. Carlyle particularly is a huge addition, as he is one of the best pitchers in the league, who throws nasty stuff, is good defensively off the mound, fast, and is a versatile offensive weapon. Maybe most importantly, he brings a level of confidence and swagger that was sorely missing from the lifeless Gym Tan Kickball team last season... Finally, the Clockers will benefit from the experience that Jeff Pauley, Kristen Pauley, Allen Walker, and Josh "Yellow Shoes" Waldrop gained this winter playing with the VIPs in the competitive VA Recess league. It can't be underestimated how valuable the lessons of playing against the best week in and week out can be, and you can be sure these Clockers will share their knowledge with the home club... With all that, plus the fact that they'll be back in their trademark black uniforms, I'm pretty confident we'll the Clockers will be in contention when it comes down to the end.

#4 Rumspringa
Captain: Scotty Moriarty and Sabra Swilley
Color: Royal Blue
Fall 2010 Record: 7-5 (5th place)
All-Time Record: 9-13-1 (.413)
Wentworth Trophies: 0
Best Charlie Sheen Quote: "There's a new sheriff in town. And he has an army of assassins."

As the season went on last year, Rumspringa emerged as one of the top teams in VA Peninsula. Lead by an explosive offense and solid interior bunt defense from Ch Ricky Holmes and C Troy Southall, the 'Springas made a great run through the tourney. Scotty Moriarty and Sabra Swilley's squad made the final four in the tourney, held the most prolific offense in league history to 1 run through 6 innings before falling to JFK in the 7th. This season, Rumspringa won't have the luxury of sneaking up on anyone, as they are clearly regarded as one of the top teams in the league. Expectations are very high. In fact, JFK head coach Bryan Freed recently predicted that 'Springa will win the prestigious Wentworth Trophy within the near future. Whether that comes to pass this season or not, remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure, don't underestimate them.

#3 Just For Kicks
Captain: Bryan Freed
Color: Olive Green
Fall 2010 Record: 11-0-1 (1st place)
All-Time Record: 21-1-1 (.935)
Wentworth Trophies: 0
Best Charlie Sheen Quote: "Winning, anyone? Rhymes with winning. Anyone? Yeah, that would be us. Sorry, man, didn't make the rules. Oops!"

The story of JFK has been pretty well covered this offseason in the blog. But let's recap. Since joining the league in the Spring of 2010, JFK has gone 21-1-1, scored 215 runs and only allowed 23. In short, they've basically turned the league into their b***h... With one exception, and that was The Emperors Club. Despite JFK's dominance, they have yet to beat the VIPs and win a Wentworth Trophy. In the Fall, they had a 2 run lead with 2 outs in the top of the 5th and suffered a meltdown of epic proportions in choking away the championship. After the stomach punching loss, several of the most talented Just For Kicks players decided to walk away from the team and join Vicious & Delicious. Earlier this offseason, it looked like the entire franchise was in danger of collapsing... But not so fast, my friend. Bryan Freed is known as an excellent leader of men and women, and he wasn't going to have the dream of winning the trophy die. In looking back at the shortcomings of the team that failed to win, one thing became clear. JFK's struggles were often times a result of poor chemistry and backbiting. So Freed set out upon the rebuilding process with an entirely new focus, "team first". Freed recruited Dr. Jeremy Pinier, Wes McClain, and Nikki LeBlanc, who are not only outstanding players but positive influences in the locker room. With the addition of those players, plus the return of All-Peninsula members JC Cashwell, Jillian Simms, and C Eric "The Pirate" Stevens, it's clear that JFK is stacked and will be ready to challenge for that elusive championship.

# 2 The Emperors Club
Captains: George "Professor Sex, of the Uncanny Sex-Men" Kiriazidis
Color: Cardinal Red
Fall 2010 Record: 10-1-1 (2nd place)
All-Time Record: 65-12-6 (.810)
Wentworth Trophies: 4 (Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010)
Best Charlie Sheen Quote: "I was banging seven-gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll, because I have one speed, one gear. I survived because I'm me. I'm different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs."

No quote more accurately described The Emperors Club's resolve and heart. The 4 time Wentworth Trophy holders are harder to kill than Michael Myers and the T1000 Terminator combined. Although they don't always have the most talented or athletic team, somehow they always manage to find a way to come out on top. George Kiriazidis has built a dynasty, leading the VIPs to victory in the last 3 championships and 4 out of the last 6... This season though, the team will be going through a transition period. Several key contributors including David Dixon, Chris "Bundy" LeBlanc, and Matt Martin have departed the team, and it will be a challenge to replace their productivity. Rising to meet that challenge is a new group of athletic rookies, Keith Best (awesome trapezius muscles), Phil Barr, Gwen Barr, Rob Jenkins, and Josh Lively. While each of these players have the potential to be All-Peninsula players in the future, how successful the VIPs are this season may depend largely on how quickly these individuals pick up the game... Of course, that's not to say the cupboard is bare for The Emperors Club. Returning to the team are All-Peninsula team members Ch Anthony "Rocket Laser Cannon" Williams, 1B Patrick Jones, Lorraine Adkins, and C Roger Jackson. It's still going to be extremely tough to kill the VIPs.

#1 Vicious & Delicious
Captain: David "Bubby" Dixon, Chris "Bundy" LeBlanc, and James Salgado
Color: White
Fall 2010 Record: N/A
All-Time Record: N/A
Wentworth Trophies: 0
Best Charlie Sheen Quote: "I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground."

You take the one part JFK, one part Victorious Secret, and a pinch of VIP, and what do you get? A recipe that is both Vicious and Delicious (see what I did there?). Seriously, on paper, this team represents the most dominant and talented team in Peninsula history. When Dave Dixon and Bundy set off to create their own team, they made it a top priority to accumulate as much talent as possible... Let's start with pitching; VD has both the 1st and 2nd Team All-Peninsula pitchers from last season in Daniel Reyes and Jimmy Wilcox. Their interior defense is stacked with James Salgado, Joey Smith, and Bryan "NoShoes" Moore splitting the time at the catcher and charger positions, and VD may have the best girls in the league, with Brooke Lewis, Noelle Walsh, and Nicole Schaeffer. All in all, when you look top to bottom, there seems to be very few, if any, weak spots in the lineup. It's very possible that this team will break records for runs scored and allowed this season... The only real question mark that because this group has never played together before, how will they blend?

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