Saturday, August 17, 2013

Good News and Bad News

So, as eluded to in the subject line of this post, I have some good news and bad news.
Bad News: Our resident Bar Diva, Marilee Columbus, has decided to retire from the Bar Buzz write-ups. She explained why in a press conference early this morning:
"I was becoming too popular and it was interfering with my dancing and shot taking at the bar. I would constantly be asked about how to bedazzle some piece of kickball equipment or "What would Ru Paul think about these socks?" While I'm proud of where I was able to take the Bar Buzz, I feel like its time for me to hand it off to the future of this league."
When asked if she had a nomination for a replacement, she eloquently stated, "No. Just not Trey McGlohn."
Good News: Someone needs to write the Bar Buzz! If you're new to the league and are wondering what the Bar Buzz is, or what it entails to handle this piece of kickball lore, here is a post Ms. Columbus made when she first took over the Bar Buzz explaining what her grading scale is. However, the wonderful thing about writing the Bar Buzz is you have all the control. Since there technically is no right or wrong, you can make your own grading scale. And since there is no right or wrong, who the fuck cares? (Yeah, right)
With all that being said, I am now officially taking applications for Editor in Chief to the Bar Buzz. To apply, please send me, in 50 words or less, simply why you would be the best Bar Buzz writer. Only serious applicants need apply. You need to be planning on being at the bar every week and staying (ideally) to the AMP. Trust me, it keeps people from bitching about your "credibility".
While in the past, the Bar Buzzers have been individuals, there is no reason we can't have a small conglomerate of people who, between the lot of them, frequent the bar and have their ear to the ground of the party scene. 
Please ensure you include all bribes and flattery in your submission (they will be taken into serious consideration).
This could be you!!

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