Monday, August 19, 2013

WHO is the Bar Buzz?

Word combos that strike excitement in the hearts of all WAKA VA Peninsula players:

Wenthworth Trophy®
War Memorial

Maybe the most exciting word combo in our vernacular though is... Bar Buzz!

Recently, our resident Bar Buzz blogger stepped down to further pursue other passions in life (sleep). With that departure left a huge void in the VA Peninsula weekly traditional that would need to be filled, and need to be filled quickly. 

So without further ado, I would like to announce your newest Editor in Chief of the Bar Buzz:

The One & Only Fagel Baer

Here is her submission of interest that eventually led her to be chosen as the Editor, and I dare you to defy that she already has the proper attitude/state of mind to do this job:

"Because the Bar Buzz isn't just a thing, it's a person...
She doesn't need to bribe people, people need to bribe her. Her business card says “Don’t call me, I’ll call you”. People who buy her drinks, never have to pay. She once had an awkward moment just to see how it feels, and loved it. She chooses to live vicariously, through herself. Her personality is so magnetic, she can’t carry credit cards. Winning kickball teams give her their trophies. She is who they refer to in "that's what she said", she's said it all. The bars buzz about her, she is the Bar Buzz."
Don't trust my judgement. See what these fine people think:

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