I hope it tasted good? |
- WAKA VA Atlantic started - and it looks like they're going to have quite a few shirtless nights too ;)
- The WAKA Varsity Tournament happened this weekend, and though I wasn't part of it, it looked as though there were quite some rivalries getting settled on the field.
- Last but definitely not least, Keith Morehart stayed for the #AMP on a WEDNESDAY.
This phone takes WAY better pictures |
So let's have a re-cap before I divvy out the points. Some may be surprises, some won't even garner an eyebrow raise.
- Pitching Dez was literally NOWHERE to be found. ummm, what happened to my top rookie choice? Maybe it's because one of you left early? Yea, that's right, you were spotted and you know who you are.
- I'm confident that I witnessed multiple people/couples in early stages of twitterpation - watch out WAKA. The "league couple" superlative at the end of the year may have some new contenders. Can you spot the matches made in WAKA heaven this week?
- I finally learned who is on Bizzaro. Was anyone else questioning if this team actually existed??
- The After Midnight Photo is quickly becoming the Not Quite Midnight Photo...noooo! How do you change that? Make it worth luckies' time to keep it open at midnight. Obvi.
- Cory Pochop and the other teamless WAKA kids are vying for the belt and he is on a mission to make the teamless team win the BarBuzzBelt. Just saying, he's giving people a run for their money. And he gave me pizza at the game. So that warrants like a million cool points.
Pizza at the field is the best way to this BarBuzzer's Heart |
- The Bar challenge was bar games and Felicia Griffin literally played drunk hopscotch in the middle of the Luckies dance floor. Props girl, props.
- Do you have FOMO yet? Well you will after learning that Brad Gault and Jason Williamson stalked a bunch of middle-aged businessmen, kidnapped them, and made them go to the KATT - I can't believe I actually looked that up on my computer. I feel like I need to wipe my hard drive now. Ew.
Oh men... |
Now for the points. Take a look at this, because it's astonishing what one person can do to make an entire team win...again.
The game is called "..." |
Three teams took the full 5 points for completing the challenge: Five Toe Death Kick and Chaotic Kilfs because they had players the WHOLE night playing bar games, and Smokin' Bunts because Felicia played hopscotch - pretty creative. Now I did give Pitty Points to Cardiac Arrest because Stephanie Rommet single-handedly repped your team all night in the AMP and on the flipcup table - and that is no easy task, and to Hot Dogs and Tacos because I can't tell if it is a game or not in this picture...but it looked like fun so I gave it to you.
Congratulations Five Toe Death Kick for having just the right number of people in the AMP. It goes to show, size really does matter. But it would have been cool to have a tie for the first time in my history!! So maybe Smokin' Bunts you can make that happen soon?
And the challenge for this week is something I've been wanting to do for a long time! Now that you've gotten to play with some people, kiss a bunch of people, hopefully gotten comfortable with them too, it's time for......no, not the shirt swap yet. I have to wait until I know y'all can handle it! This week's challenge is to have people sign your shirt! I'll bring a bunch of sharpees, and I want to see all of the #WAKAlove that can be written on your shirt and to see just how many signatures you can get. I'll be calling out a few rookies whose signature will be worth more - still working out the logistics on that, so keep an eye out for that on facebook! (if you're a rookie this season and want to be worth a lot, facebook me!)
Aight y'all, sorry for the late post. See everyone tomorrow! I'm ready to have my shirt signed, are you?
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