Be he ever so humble, there's no one like Dong!
(I can have so much fun with that last name but I gotta be nice. Gotta be nice. Gotta be nice...)
Ed Aaron held down whatever position he was playing like a champ. John Vrooman brought the heat on the mound and fouled out a few people. Phillip Stanley has finally gotten healthy enough to play some serious ballin and it was his debut this past Wednesday! So glad to have him back from that nasty shoulder injury. Max Kutsch and Casey Heck both held down the catcher position with ease. Btw, I was totally bored in right field which means all throws were on point and I didn't have to chase anything down. Yay for me!! Oh, and apparently I, Karen "Silent Killer" Savell, lead the league in walks now with.....wait for it......2!!! 2 walks. Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!!!
My absolute favorite play of the game was the last one. The tying run of the game, Aaron Thompson of HD&T, was on first with 1 out. A bunt was kicked and Casey Heck scooped it up and threw it to Ed at first getting the kicker out. Ed saw Aaron running for 3rd and hurled it....a little off target so third baseman Robyn Harpell chased after it and wound up in the base path and Aaron tried to avoid a collision but instead creamed Robyn and got pegged with the ball at the same time. That interesting double play ended the game for a Smokin Bunts win!
Jeremy Smithey caught it ALL on video and here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Part 1
Part 2
A valiant effort was put up by HD&T for almost coming back to win it! It was an aweomely FUN game!
One more photo just because...
We're hot and you're not!
Tim-"Why is pink even a WAKA color? Pansies!"
One more shout out to Melissa Aaron! She's our team mom and she shared the best bug spray ever! None of us became anemic during the entire game! Thanks, Momma Missy!!
Sooooo, the Silent Killer streak still lives on. ;) Will the Foul Balls be able to break it?! Stay tuned!
Smoke em if ya got em...
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