Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WAKA Wednesday Bar Buzz Preview

With all this talk of new teams forming, new players to the league, and former players sporting new jerseys... you can't help but to get excited for the Spring 2011 Season of our awesome WAKA "Pen Div". And while all these player interviews and talk of game strategy are well and good, let's get to the real heart of the matter here: our WAKA Wednesday after-parties.

Last season we as a division brought it to Luckie's every week. Let's not fool ourselves, we have the best bar sponsorship around (some might disagree on the finite details particularly at the season parties, but... po-ta-to/po-ta-tah; let's move on).

WAKA prides itself on "Best Games" AND "Best Parties" so it's about time we uphold this ideal! This season we'll be paying special attention to who can bring it after the game at the bar - not just at the field - in our Bar Buzz blog section. Now it won't be enough for your team to just bring it on the bases, they'll have to bring it at Luckie's as well and you'll be able to follow it all, every week, right here...

Will the VIP's expand their social circle beyond their exclusive after game supper club? Can anyone outlast Rumspringa on the dance floor? Who will replace HRSSC and NKOTB in initiating epic bar-wide games of flip cup? And most importantly, will the Cupid Shuffle be dethroned as the group dance song of choice??? Grab $3 for your Bud Light pounder and stay tuned!


  1. That's the best picture of GK. haha. Makes me laugh everytime.

  2. Just because you're a Jagernaut doesn't mean you have to exclude us from this article. Everyone knows our WAKA party attendance is unrivaled!

  3. That's her way of playing possum or sandbagging if you will.

  4. Wait a minute... I am not excluding or sandbagging or whatever with anyone from anything. That's just the preview, I don't need to waste the Jagers time with the preview.
