Monday, May 27, 2013

Ballsacks Victorious Over Pop Pop (Memorial Day Edition)

     Greetings fellow kickballers!  As you eat your chicken legs, ribs, and hamburgers and slowly wind down into a food coma, this recap is comin' at ya Memorial Day style!  No doubt, Battlestar was certainly unsure on how they would do against a great team like Pop Pop, but they came through with flying colors.  I can't think of any blatant errors that caused either team to take the advantage right now...just hard, awesome kickball on both sides!
     It's always difficult to kick against Hass Dooby's lefty pitches, and it's even harder to out run Alex "Doc" Noctor's catching skills, but somehow Battlestar came out victorious.  With a wicked line up that the Ballsacks have in the first part of their line up, it's hard NOT to make runs in. Brandon "The Beard" Silver used his beard powers on both sides of the ball.  He kicked away both times he went up to kick and kicked in the only 2 runs of the game. BOO-YAH!!!!!  Go Beard Man, GO!!!  Also, Andrew Schlichte kept laying those perfect bunts down the 3rd base line to load them up for Brandon to punch them in.  Nice work guys!                                  
      And can I talk about defense?? (Sure I can, cuz it's my blog, dammit!) Andy "Tap Tap" Tapley had some awesome moves at pitcher where balls were bunted down the 1st base line.  He promptly scooped them up with his sticky Spiderman hands and threw the runners out with pin point precision. He was hot because he did it more than once!  Brandon again used his fabulous beard powers as he took turns at playing catcher with Mark "Rabbit" Thompson. On a small pop up he took a dive under that thing for a sweet grab....then he took his beard powers out in the outfield and ran up on a line drive over the short stop position to catch it for an awesome ESPN highlight reel O.U.T. -OUT! As a matter of fact...he's my player of the week.  Yeah, that's right! You win the Ballsacks award!  And when I figure out what the heck that get it!  Good job, Beard Man! ;)
     Pop Pop had some awesome kicks as well.  A few went through the front lines but not many. Hass punched a low line drive kick with his lefty self towards 1st base and made its way to right field.  That set up the their only run in, though, as the Ballsacks held their ground.
      So, anyway, the game ended 2-1, Ballsacks win!

     Now for the Memorial Day part...It's a time to reflect, honor, and take pride in our military heroes here and abroad who have lost their lives fighting for American freedom.  Mere words cannot express my thanks to those who fought and saw death first hand, only to come back with few less friends than when they left.  This Memorial Day is not only to reflect on those we've lost, but also the families, friends, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives who have been left behind with only memories, disbelief and little sense of closure.
      Here's a small tribute to a few of our Ballsacks who are serving or who have served:

Andy Tapley
Andy is currently serving in the Navy.  He got promoted to PR1 last May.  The Navy is stuck with him for 6 more years since he re-enlisted in January.  Thank you for serving Andy!

Dennis Leonard
"Denny" is taking a season or 2 off, but once a Ballsack, ALWAYS a Ballsack!  Denny served in the Army in the Infantry in Iraq.  He and his squad were under heavy combat and he lost some close buddies because of it.  Take a good hard, very loooong look at those faces. Some did not come back.  Some gave all.  For YOU! Thank you for serving, Denny!!

OK, put down your chicken wing and listen up...

     So STAND at attention when that flag passes you.  PUT YOUR HAND OVER YOUR HEART out of reverence for our flag and our fallen heroes.  Why should they come back if you don't have the decency to do those small, yet profound things for the love of your country?  Stand proud for those that fought for YOUR freedom!  It's the least you can do, so DO IT!

A BIG shout out THANK YOU to ALL kickballers who have served and who are serving.

     I leave you with a Missing Man Fly by from our awesome F22 Raptors....Happy Memorial Day to all of you and 
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Silent Killer has spoken...


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