Monday, August 26, 2013

Bar Buzz - Get your party pants ready!

Hey guys!

Let’s just start this season of #BarBuzz off by saying how STOKED I am to be doing this! I get to judge and write about the party scene….and I am totally qualified to do that! Essentially I am to the Bar Buzz and Bar Belt what Brent Wentworth is to the Wentworth Trophy. So basically this belt should be called the Ba(e)r Belt…get it? Like it’s still the Bar Belt, I just added that little extra touch of “Fagel-ness” to the process of obtaining it ;)

So while the Wentworth Trophy may be the prize many athletically-superior players are vying for, this award is a little more obtainable….or is it? The Bar Belt is a tradition that brings people together and challenges them in ways they never imagined. Forget about those ESPNplays and epic kicks that many of us will never be able to achieve, the Bar Belt asks you to leave your inhibitions and dignity at the door of Luckies, challenges you to be the best socializer you can be, and is a way to show our superiority through another outlet; partying. But how are you bestowed such an honor? Well, in order to understand that, you need to know a little about me.

  •  I am kind of awesome. Let’s just start with the fact that my name is Fagel…like bagel but with an F. And my last name is Baer, like “grrr” bear. My name screams “watch out world, I’m super cool and everyone needs to know me”. So learn it and love it, because you’ll need it later, and I expect EVERYONE to pronounce and spell my name properly….first challenge (we’ll get to what that is later).
  • I've never done a blog before, so I need to get my creative juices flowing when it comes to blinging these posts out...bear with me.
  • My life motto is: “what’s the worst that could happen?” and this means that if I want to do something, I’m doing it.
  • I LOVE people. I love promoting them, talking about them, learning about them, talking to them, connecting with them, dating them, and dancing with them. I like making people my friends and making those friends, my friends’ friends.
  • I love social media; twitter, facebook, instagram. If you want to find your way to my heart, be present on all of those.

So now that you all understand who I am, let’s get down and dirty with the qualifications of the Bar Belt. Basically, there are some standards that I will be looking for each week. Your team doesn’t necessarily have to meet all of these listed below, but it definitely helps.  I have high standards and expectations, so read carefully.
  1. Any team vying for this title should have at least three (3) teammates in the After Midnight Photo (AMP). The more, the merrier
  2. Someone from your team must have at least ATTEMPED the #BarBuzzChallengea. There is a twitter account @WAKAbarbuzz where challenges will be posted every Wednesday. This challenge will only be available on twitter and someone from your team must tweet your response to the challenge with the hashtag #BarBuzzChallenge. Most of these will require a photo, be ready. And if you don't get the "party pants" reference, check twitter :)
  3. You and your team should find me at some point in the night. Like I said, I love new friends.
  4. I don’t care if you have 15 teammates there. If you’re not out there doing the wobble, playing flip cup, meeting cougars or old men, or just plain not being social, then in the words of Joe Stumpo,”forgetaboutit”!
  5. Like I said, I love social media! Take a picture of your team pregaming, sneaking a beer into the bathroom, making out with that old guy at the bar, or just plain having fun, and tweet it or instagram it! I want to see things trending, photos being re-tweeted and instagrams being liked.
  6. I want to see people starting stuff! Being an instigator! Making shit happen. Remember, what’s the worst that could happen??

So now my young Jedi, go out there and make the bar a better place! Win that Ba(e)r Belt for all of those poor, unfortunate, athletically-challenged souls who will never make it to second base (myself included)! And above all, if all else fails, for heaven’s sake, HAVE FUN!!!

Peace out dudes.


p.s. watch out for this week’s challenge on Wednesday! It’s going to be a tough one!

p.p.s. I PROMISE I'm going to figure out how to make this thing cooler and add pictures and colors and all of that cool jazz. For now I'll just capture you attention with my witty writing ;)

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